Community Meetups

Celebrating Milestones: Year 11 Celebration Day at MVA

Apr 7, 2024
2 min
We recently celebrated a significant milestone for our Year 11 students with a memorable Celebration Day. The event marked the end of their GCSE journey, and it was a day filled with joy and reflection on their time with us. Held at the historic Hampton Court Palace and the beautiful Bushy Park, the day was a perfect blend of exploration, relaxation, and celebration.

The festivities began with a warm welcome at Hampton Court Palace, where students gathered, ready to embark on a day of adventure. The weather was on our side, with sunshine gracing the morning and delightful temperatures throughout the day. The students enjoyed the palace's grand halls with a guided tour and the freedom of the stunning gardens. One of the highlights was navigating through one of the UK's oldest hedge mazes, an experience that brought out the laughter and teamwork among our pupils.

After a morning of exploration, we made our way to the picturesque Diana Fountain area in Bushy Park. Here, students were treated to a luxurious picnic, complete with various delicious treats. The picnic allowed everyone to relax, share stories, and celebrate their achievements. As we enjoyed our meal, it was amazing to see the strong bonds that have formed within our MVA community.

Picnic Surroundings in Bushy Park

This Celebration Day was not just about marking the end of exams but also about recognising the incredible journey our students have been on. For some, it was a moment to reflect on their time at MVA before moving on to new destinations, while others looked forward to continuing their educational journey with us. The day encapsulated the spirit of MVA – academic excellence, strong community ties, and unforgettable experiences. We are immensely proud of our Year 11 students and look forward to seeing all the wonderful things they will achieve in the future.

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